Unfortunately, at this time, we are no longer offering à la carte services for single bouquets or boutonnieres. Given our busy schedule, we are also unable to accommodate bouquets for delivery for birthdays, anniversaries, or other celebrations. We know that flowers are an important way to commemorate special occasions, so please reach out if you'd like a referral to another local florist who specializes in these requests.
The first step is super simple: fill out the form on our contact page!
If we are available on your event date, we will send you a questionnaire to gather some initial information before scheduling your complimentary consultation.
We typically require a 50% non-refundable retainer to book with us. Your second payment is then due 60 days before your wedding date.
That said, we know that florals can be an investment and are happy to work with you if it would be helpful to space things out into three or four payments.
The short answer: maybe! Depending on the design, the length of time each design has been in/out of water, the length of your event, and weather conditions, it is possible to repurpose florals. If you're worried about your wedding flowers going to waste, we can always discuss ways of sending your flowers home with guests or donating them to a local non-profit. Better yet, let us refer you to one of our talented local preservation artists!
We sure do! We've designed florals for weddings all over Alaska (from Nome to Southeast), and have also traveled to places throughout the Lower 48 (including the Pacific Northwest, Chicago, and New England).
If you're interested in florals for a destination wedding in the US or abroad, please reach out. We can't wait to adventure with you!